Vacation. Weeks 31-33, one day in the 34th week. Read all the mail in the queue, answered, etc.
aKademy 2005. I wanted to reuse the talk from the last year's OOoCon, but finally I had to write it nearly from scratch ;-) The slides are here. Good to see faces behind the nicks & names. Got one JCA signed (the author of the Mono icon set), nice to hear that one of the icon designers that worked/works on the Crystal set for OOo was hired by SUSE, and now works on the new default icon theme for KDE4, ... page update. The page was too old & outdated, updated it a bit so that it conforms with the talk.
KDE Address Book for OOo. Éric Bischoff works on a KDE Address Book connector. The development takes place directly in the OOo CVS (kaddrbook CWS). I tried it, and it looks good - the address book is already usable, but the SQL requests over it do not work fully yet (important for OOo Base). I am working on a better integration to ooo-build (so that we can easily update from the OOo CVS without conflicting with the Evolution bits).
OOoCon 2005. My talk was accepted. I booked the hotel (for me and Petr Mladek), managed the travelling there, etc.
Minor bits. Small cleanup of the old icon switching bits, some build bits, some fixes in ooo-build scripts, updated ooo-build to m127, fixed stdlibs (non)copying, sent the JCA from aKademy to Sun, ...